Definitely Yes !...

As we all know because of the global economy Business are more like to get involved in businesses activities with other companies around the world which will require integration of the business management systems to some degree sooner or later.

Despite of the fact that many desktop ERP systems may be quite successful on closed LANs in business, it is quite difficult and costly to convert them to a global solution. This change cost make them useless or too expensive for most businesses.

Another consideration is the support that you may need to when you use a "Brand ERP" on the other side of the globe. Sooner or later you may need a support team which will increase the support cost dramatically because you may end up transferring  experts of this "Brand  ERP" from somewhere else with a high price tag.

These factors became as necessities for ERP3 systems to be developed.

Where as WebKOBIS ERP3 is a completely web based solution designed utilizing low cost technologies aiming to be used globally on the internet from day one. This design factor gives unlimited system & operational growth to your business with a unrepresented low investment & operational cost.

For an ERP3 system following conditions has to be met:

  • The ERP Solution has to be a 100% WEB system without requiring no installations on the client's computer.
  • The ERP Solution has to be Open Structure/Open Source to provide world wide support if needed,
  • The ERP Solution has to provide B2B integration with Customers, Vendors, Service Providers & remote users if needed.
  • The ERP Solution has to be reachable via most internet enabled devices if necessary.
  • The ERP Solution has to be platform independent,  able to run most commonly used servers.

The reasons behind these conditions are as in the followings:

The ERP Solution has to be a 100% WEB system without requiring no installations on the client's computer: The reason for this condition is to minimize support cost in the case of supporting users around the world. If the ERP solution doesn't need any installations your business can utilize new users around the world easily without any support cost such as technical team to the installations and on-going supports.

The ERP Solution has to be Open Structure/Open Source to provide world wide support if neededOpen Source/Open Structure technologies has enormous cost benefits for businesses. Most of the Open Source/Open Structure for free of licences fees or their licence fees cost very low compare to other other systems.  Therefore if your business needs support or customization, it requires less budget with open source technologies giving you more options for implementation of new business requirements or complete new developments. Because Open Source technologies are cheap they are widely used all around the world by millions of developers reducing the support cost dramatically if you need to pay.

The ERP Solution has to provide B2B integration with Customers, Vendors, Service Providers & Remote Users if needed: As your businesses grows your ERP solution should be able provide expansion possibilities as your business needs with a relatively low development cost.

The ERP Solution has to be reachable via most internet enabled devices if necessary: You never know when or where you may need to access to your ERP system. Therefore your system should be able run easily on most internet enabled devices to support your business.

The ERP Solution has to be platform independent,  able to run most commonly used servers: You should be able to run your server on most commonly supported server platforms.


It is important to keep in mind that ERP systems are living systems developing in time with new business needs. Depending on business needs some  25% to 45% of ERP system may require some level of customization in time. Therefore in most cases ERP solution would be better simple, customizable and has to have low operational cost to make future developments possible.

Another important issue in ERP solutions are included functionality in the ERP. It seems every bit of already added functionality is great for the business. How ever the dark side of these functionality are they add extra complexity in case of some customization process especially if these functionality are not seriously needed or used.  So you may end up increasing customization cost spend as Consultancy Cost because of some extra feature in your ERP which are not really important.

In these cases it may be much cost effective and easy if your ERP solutions is broad enough to support your future needs with a easy to customize structure allowing features as needed.

In this way you may reduce initial Ownership cost as well as on going Customization Cost in favor of your business. 


Keeping all these issues described above WebKOBIS ERP3 provides a 100% web based complete solution package with B2B implementations for your business with a surprisingly low ownership and operational cost.